12 Ways to Fall in Love Everyday: Happy 12th Anniversary to the Greenhouse Center
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Are you eager for easy conversation and laughter to spark between you and your partner? Imagine their smile as they open the perfect gift that you thought of. Reach anew for each other’s hands because it means something special. Trust in your connectedness. We are celebrating our 12th anniversary at the Greenhouse Center for Growth and Learning! To honor this special occasion, we want to give you 12 tips that will make your anniversaries (and everyday in between) filled with love and connection.
Start with these 12 tips:
1. Play together
Playing together is one of the top two practices that create connection. Find a card game, board game, or athletic sport you both enjoy. Tease each other. Make a game out of daily routines which can be a great playground for lovers.
2. Platinum Rule
We all know the golden rule, but what about the platinum rule? “Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.” The number two practice to develop closeness is to meet the other’s needs. Seek to understand what unique habits and attention your partner craves and do your best to fulfill those needs.
3. Be Curious
Widen the field of possibilities in your mind about people’s intentions. Beware of the tendency to decide why others do what they do. Be kind and give others the benefit of the doubt.
4. Heart Health
Just as you are aware of how exhausted your body is, notice the condition of your heart. When it is open and receptive, you are going to be open and calm, even if there is chaos around you.
5. Be Accepting
This doesn’t mean you have to put up with everything. It means you can acknowledge things as they are. Use your energy to pull people close instead of pushing them away.
6. Love Yourself
Do you ever curse at yourself when you stub your toe? It serves no good purpose. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself good words. Eat well, sleep well, and exercise well. Be your own best friend. If you love yourself, it is easier to love another.
7. Mental Holding
To develop a greater connection with someone, practice holding them in your mind and heart in a place of safety and love. Use “mind sight” to hold them close and carry them with you. (Dan Seagull)
8. Relax into Your Relationship
Have you ever tried to enter frigid water, step by step, allowing your body to relax and become accustomed to the cold before submerging yourself in deep water? You can do the same thing with your relationship. Build ways to relax further in your relationship of trust with each other. Every time you keep your commitments, and show up in your relationship with consistency in mood and demeanor, you take a deeper step into more profound trust, stronger connectedness, and better communication.
9. Practice makes Patient
Don’t expect everything to go flawlessly. You won’t be perfect. Practice being in the relationship you want to have. With significant patience and polishing, your relationship will continue to develop.
10. Traditions & Time
Schedule routine times to be together: Daily chat time, weekly date night, monthly overnight trip, quarterly long weekend, annual couple vacation.
11. Physical Connection
Every hug releases endorphins and studies have shown that you need 7 or more hugs a day to be healthy. Kisses are even better! Also, spend time looking into each other’s eyes. You would be amazed at what you discover.
12. Repair Quickly
When the relationship is torn, always make repairs as quickly as you can. The longer hurt goes untreated, the more likely it is to become cancerous and cancerous.