Maybe I should talk to someone… How do I know when it is time to see a therapist?
By: Collette Dawson-Loveless, LCSW Have you ever had a family member or friend suggest you may need to “talk to someone”? This is really good feedback. When people we turn to for understanding and comfort or support are suggesting this, we probably need to at least go to a professional to get an evaluation. Perhaps…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Mental Health and Wellness
By: Collette Dawson-Loveless, LCSW Many articles are written on and much time spent on defining Mental Illness. Have you ever wondered about the definition of Mental Health and Wellness? Our Podcast for February discusses this topic and we want you to have the resources that we used to help us understand more about Mental Health…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted In Mental Wellness – When To Seek Therapy
Five (Not So Obvious) Reasons You Might Need Therapy By Candi Higley There are often misconceptions surrounding therapy and one of the biggest is that therapy can “fix” us. Last I checked, we weren’t machines, we aren’t broken, and we don’t need fixing. But what if there was another way to view therapy, as a…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in the Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy
By: Odessa M. Stevens, ACMHC, CAAP, CCLS II Since my childhood, pets have been such an integral part of my life. My earliest memory is of my little mouse, Mickey, clinging to dear life on the handle bars of my tricycle as we rode around the neighborhood. I cannot count the number of times that…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Forgiveness
By: Candice Packer, LCSW Forgiveness. When we hear that word, a lot of time, it raises a lot of emotions in us. Additionally, everyone has a different definition of forgiveness. So what does it really mean? I am going to answer your question with a question of my own. When you think of the hurt…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Gratitude
Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving week! Studies show that feeling and expressing gratitude improves our mental and physical health. It also increases our experience of happiness. Sometimes feeling grateful seems easier to do than others. How can we support our families (and ourselves) in getting into this healthy habit? Create and maintain Thanksgiving traditions of expressing…
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