Test for Depression
This depression screening is the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), developed by Doctors Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke, and colleagues. The PHQ-9 assesses depression symptoms based on how a person describes the frequency with which they’ve been bothered by a series of problems in the last two weeks. Over the last two weeks, how often…
Read MoreEFT VLOG #1
Deeply Rooted in Making the Transition Back to School
By Collette Dawson-Loveless Transitions are hard for some of us. It seems like we just got adjusted to our summertime routine and it is now time to get ready for school to begin again. Some children handle the transitions well without much preparation, but for many the changes come with increased stress, anxiety and with…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Freedom, as a Prized Possession
By: Elsebeth Green, LCSW “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Freedom is our most prized possession and we would do many things to maintain the right to make our own choices, worship as we will, choose our work and our hobbies, etc. Our country…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in the Makings of a Good Summer Break: How to Create Goals for Summer Holiday
by: Collette Dawson-Loveless, LCSW Transitioning from the imposed structure that going to school creates to deciding how much structure we want in our family life for the summer can be challenging. During the school year the school sets our schedule for what time we need to get up and ready. We have to set up…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in No-Drama Discipline Part 2
By: Jalynn Johnson, CSW Welcome back! This is Part 2 of 3 on Dr. Dan Siegel’s book, No Drama Discipline. If you missed Part 1, go and check it out! We covered how we can change our discipline philosophy to parent from an intentional place, rather than from a place of reactivity. We also learned…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in No-Drama Discipline Part 1
By: Jalynn Johnson, CSW Working at The Green House I have been exposed to so many wonderful resources! I have been introduced to books, trainings, techniques, you name it! For this blog post, I want to share my personal notes and outline of Dan Siegel’s book, No Drama Discipline: The whole-brain way to calm the…
Read MoreMaybe I should talk to someone… How do I know when it is time to see a therapist?
By: Collette Dawson-Loveless, LCSW Have you ever had a family member or friend suggest you may need to “talk to someone”? This is really good feedback. When people we turn to for understanding and comfort or support are suggesting this, we probably need to at least go to a professional to get an evaluation. Perhaps…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Mental Health and Wellness
By: Collette Dawson-Loveless, LCSW Many articles are written on and much time spent on defining Mental Illness. Have you ever wondered about the definition of Mental Health and Wellness? Our Podcast for February discusses this topic and we want you to have the resources that we used to help us understand more about Mental Health…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted In Happiness
By Elsebeth Green, LCSW, RPT-S The brilliant positive psychologist, Martin Seligman starts out his book Authentic Happiness with the fascinating story of a study of 141 seniors graduating from some high school and the types of smiles they displayed in their senior pictures. Apparently, there are two types of smiles and they actually have names.…
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