Deeply Rooted in No-Drama Discipline Part 2
By: Jalynn Johnson, CSW Welcome back! This is Part 2 of 3 on Dr. Dan Siegel’s book, No Drama Discipline. If you missed Part 1, go and check it out! We covered how we can change our discipline philosophy to parent from an intentional place, rather than from a place of reactivity. We also learned…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in No-Drama Discipline Part 1
By: Jalynn Johnson, CSW Working at The Green House I have been exposed to so many wonderful resources! I have been introduced to books, trainings, techniques, you name it! For this blog post, I want to share my personal notes and outline of Dan Siegel’s book, No Drama Discipline: The whole-brain way to calm the…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Mental Health and Wellness
By: Collette Dawson-Loveless, LCSW Many articles are written on and much time spent on defining Mental Illness. Have you ever wondered about the definition of Mental Health and Wellness? Our Podcast for February discusses this topic and we want you to have the resources that we used to help us understand more about Mental Health…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Community Resources
By: Karen Salisbury, CSW Often in life, we find ourselves in situations beyond our control. We may have family members working through infertility struggles, cancer, drug addictions, deaths, etc. We, as clinicians, are no different. Many years ago, I found myself involved with family members who suffered chronically from debilitating mental illnesses. It was long…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Gratitude
Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving week! Studies show that feeling and expressing gratitude improves our mental and physical health. It also increases our experience of happiness. Sometimes feeling grateful seems easier to do than others. How can we support our families (and ourselves) in getting into this healthy habit? Create and maintain Thanksgiving traditions of expressing…
Read MoreDeeply Rooted in Growth & Learning
By Collette Dawson-Loveless, LCSW, RPT I am passionate about growth and learning. I helped to choose this phrase as a part of the name of our business because of the significance I see in the growth and learning associated with healing and gaining insight from past trauma. I have dealt personally with significant grief and…
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