Deeply Rooted in Knowing You Are Not Alone

By: Sonya Perkins, CSW Sometimes we never feel more alone than when we are surrounded by people. We walk around wearing a mask of what we think we should be or what we think they want us to be and inside we are saying, “If they only knew the real me. No one could ever…

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Deeply Rooted in Communication

By: Tyler Purdy, LCSW Communication is a key to life. We communicate for work, in families, at school, in all aspects of our lives. Now, I could start spouting off some statistics like communication is both verbal and nonverbal and that within these two types, verbal communication makes up 45% of all that is communicated…

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Deeply Rooted in Rejecting Apathy

By: Jessica Bodily-Miller, CSW To all of us fifteen to thirty year olds who are trying to figure out life: Apathy. This is our game face. We adolescents and young adults, we are apathetic. And we believe it is our greatest strength. We praise it in other people, “She doesn’t care what people think of…

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Deeply Rooted in Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving week! Studies show that feeling and expressing gratitude improves our mental and physical health. It also increases our experience of happiness. Sometimes feeling grateful seems easier to do than others. How can we support our families (and ourselves) in getting into this healthy habit? Create and maintain Thanksgiving traditions of expressing…

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Social Skills Class on Conflict Resolution

Our Social Skills Course for this semester will be focusing on Conflict Resolution skills. Back to school can mean back to increase demands on time and increased stress for some of our children. Children in this course will learn and practice various ways to problem solve, reduce stress in relationships and de-escalate potentially volatile situations.…

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