Happy Holidays

We just celebrated our 10th Christmas Party together. Over the years we have had parties at our agency, Elsebeth and Guerry’s home, Collette’s home, Leslie’s home, Magelby’s, Kneaders, and this year, Mimi’s Café. It was a delightful breakfast enjoyed by all of our current therapists and staff. We are so blessed to have grown from the three of owners to the 28 wonderful people who make up this peaceful, magical, homey place where we work and live and learn and grow together.
After a delicious breakfast we exchanged gifts and discovered more about one another’s talents and strengths. Then the gloves came off (and on and off and on again…..) and we played our annual “roll doubles, put on oven mitts and tear open nesting wrapped packages to get to the check in the center” game. We have grown so big that we had to have two rounds going simultaneously. And the winners were…Wendy Vincent and, our reigning champ, James Hewett. Jacob was at a slight disadvantage as he struggled to fit his hands into Collette’s oven mitts. (Sorry Jacob)
Thanks one and all for the lovely morning and for sharing your precious life journey and gifts of being present and authentic with us.