Play Therapy
Play is the universal and natural language of children. Used as a medium for therapy play gives the child the opportunity to express feelings, thoughts and recreate major events that can lead to healing. One primary objective of play therapy is to increase the self-control and self-esteem in the child. “Play in this meaning furnishes the child with opportunities to “act-out” situations which are disturbing, conflicting and confusing to him. Play helps children give their imaginations free reign learning the trappings of their culture and developing skills.” Garry Landreth
Play therapy is designed to reduce symptoms of stress and feelings of victimization as skilled therapists facilitate this process. Play therapy is a well-documented medium for treating all types of trauma including: divorce, abuse, illness, anxiety, attachment issues and most other stressors in a child’s world.
The playroom becomes a safe environment for creative expression and healing.
Come and let us serve you!
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Play is universal!
Play is the universal and natural language of children. Used as a medium for therapy play gives the child the opportunity to express feelings, thoughts and recreate major events that can lead to healing. One primary objective of play therapy is to increase the self-control and self-esteem in the child.
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Act out through play
“Play in this meaning furnishes the child with opportunities to “act-out” situations which are disturbing, conflicting and confusing to him. Play helps children give their imaginations free reign learning the trappings of their culture and developing skills.” Garry Landreth
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Reduces Stress
Play therapy is designed to reduce symptoms of stress and feelings of victimization as skilled therapists facilitate this process. Play therapy is a well-documented medium for treating all types of trauma including: divorce, abuse, illness, anxiety, attachment issues and most other stressors in a child’s world.