Holly Jenks

Neurofeedback Specialist

I received my bachelor's degree in Special Education from Utah Valley University and am a licensed teacher. During my last year of college, I realized I wanted to focus more on bettering people's lives in careers other than teaching, so I worked as a job/career coach for students with autism once I graduated. I have an extensive amount of training and knowledge with a variety of disabilities and mental health challenges of all ages. I am extremely passionate about helping others and supporting them to reach their full potential. I work hard to be that person who believes in someone even if that someone may not believe in themselves- I truly believe that this makes all the difference. During my free time, I love to sing and record music, play the piano, go to spin classes, and hang out with my husband.

Contact Holly

135 W. Center Street
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

Phone: (801) 785-1169
Fax: (801) 785-1154